Accepting EBT is now as easy as accepting Debit Cards. EBT is an electronic card system for eligible participants to receive their government benefits including unemployment, grocery and housing assistance.
As the need for these government-sponsored programs continues to grow, the revenue available to Food and Consumer Services certified stores who accept EBT cards is experiencing tremendous growth as well.
All states have systems that use magnetic stripe cards and online authorization of transactions. When paying for groceries, the customer’s benefits card is run through an electronic reader or a point of sale terminal (POS), and the consumer enters their secret PIN to access the benefits account. Then, electronically, the processor verifies the PIN and the account balance, and sends an authorization or denial back to the retailer.
The consumer’s account is then debited for the amount of the purchase, and the retailer’s account is credited. No money or food stamps change hands. Payment is made to the retailer through the normal credit card settlement process.
EBT has many benefits for your customers!
- Eliminates paper food stamps and checks
- Safer and more secure than carrying cash or checks
- Convenient and easy to use – faster in-store transactions
- Confidential for your customers
- EBT is used in all states to issue food stamp benefits, now referred to as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), to recipients
- Recipients can use their EBT Card for food purchases at grocery stores / select retailers
Customers on government assistance may represent a significant portion of your clientele. Your business could benefit from offering EBT payment options, call to speak to one of our New Account Advisors at (800) 660-7153.