If you are a small business owner you may not be aware of the savings available by processing PIN-based Debit Cards correctly. We’ll help ensure maximum savings and convenience by providing access to all the major National and Regional Debit Card Networks including STAR® NETWORK EAST/WEST/CENTRAL, Cirrus, Plus, Interlink, Maestro, AFFN, NYCE, Mac, Shazam, CU24 and Pulse.
No matter where your customer’s card was issued, they can enjoy the convenience of purchasing your products and services using their Debit/Check Card.
At Merchant Services we use only the most up-to-date Payment Card Industry compliant software and equipment to help our merchants handle transactions securely and efficiently. All of our PIN transaction devices meet Triple Data Encryption Standards (Triple DES or 3DES) to help ensure the security of cardholder data, protecting you and your customers.
Triple DES is the industry sanctioned algorithm standard used by all debit-capable transaction terminals for PIN encryption in the U.S. and is the latest advancement in fraud security protection.
Visa has mandated that all devices be replaced and updated to comply with Triple DES by July 1, 2010. This mandate will involve a major overhaul of existing equipment systems and my require replacements for all merchants accepting PIN-based transactions.
Our line of Triple DES PIN devices Includes:

If you currently process PIN-based debit transactions, you may be operating a Point of Sale device that will need a software upgrade or device replacement in order to continue processing such transactions.
Visa has mandated that, effective July 1, 2010, all Point of Sale terminal models must use Triple DES for processing debit transactions.
In order to comply with the mandate, Point of Sale devices must be on the authorized device list found at http://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/security_standards/ped.
Contact one of our New Account Advisors to learn more at (800) 660-7153