In 1995 Merchant Services was established to serve the ever-growing needs of business owners throughout the U.S. Since then a core leadership team with more than 200 years of management experience and dedicated to integrity, honesty, and an unwavering commitment to providing our Merchants with the very best rates and services available launched Merchant Services to the forefront of the processing industry. We pride ourselves on maintaining a reputation for excellence with a dynamic team of more than 300 hand-selected professionals at our corporate headquarters and sales offices throughout the country, all focused on providing our Merchants with superior service at every level.
Awarded First Data’s President’s Award - Three Consecutive Years.
We understand that a key ingredient to long term success is building strong, lasting relationships with our business partners, employees, and Merchants. For three consecutive years we were honored with the coveted President’s Award from the largest Processor in the nation in recognition of strong operational performance. We are proud of the partnerships we have forged throughout our long tenure in the industry - they have enabled us to seek out the very best the industry has to offer, coordinating directly with manufacturers and service providers, and negotiating to ensure rock bottom pricing for our Merchants.

Long-Standing Member of the Better
Business Bureau
We subscribe to the principles set forth by the Better Business Bureau in the Better Business Bureau Code of Business Practices with a focus on sound advertising, clear and transparent sales practices, and a customer service system that enhances customer trust and confidence. The Code is built on the BBB Standards for Trust, eight principles that summarize important elements of creating and maintaining trust in business. We believe each of our Merchants deserves to be treated with professionalism and courtesy which is why each of our 300+ hand-selected sales and support team members have undergone weeks of intense training designed to prepare them to meet all of your service needs.

24/7 Customer Support
With support available around-the-clock from highly trained account service and equipment support teams, Merchant Services has made it a priority to be available for you and your business when you need it most.